Well, a few months ago, whilst surfing the net, I came across an article about Charlie Rapley. I don't even know what I was looking for at the time, other than I might have been checking out Lambeth sites. Now I know what happened to Charlie and found that in 2004, thanks to his brother, my Great Uncle George he was posthumously awarded his World War 2 Defence Medal, which he would have been due had he survived.
It turns out that Charlie was an Air Raid Warden and on the night of 19th April, 1941 he was on duty at the Vestry of St Philips at 214 Kennington Road along with his friend, Issie (Israel) Kutz. They had both joined the ARP service at the start of the war in 1939. It seems that Air Raid Wardens were the butt of jokes but these men were the ones above the ground, whilst everyone else was in shelters, just waiting for the bombs to drop on their patch. They would be the first at the scene, bombs still dropping around them, so they could call up the help needed from the emergency services - frequently they were the ones making the initial rescues of trapped people. God knows why people made jokes about them - sounds to me like they were doing a splendidly courageous job. Not only that, they had to act as guards to prevent people looting the bombed premises.
The bomb apparently landed right on the Vestry and killed Charlie and Issey outright - it's believed that a 16 year old messenger also died from his wounds and also a woman. The role of the boy messengers was to ride bikes through the bombs and rubble to notify the other services of the situation if phone lines were down The woman was probably there on duty, to co-ordinate phone calls and paper work. Charlie was awarded his medal thanks to the efforts of his brother George, but I wonder whether Issie Kutz was ever awarded his - I'd like to think so.
Charlie's family would like to know if anyone who lived in the area during the war can throw any light on the names of the messenger and woman who died with Charlie and Issie with a view to placing a little plaque up at the site.
Charlie was apparently a very kind man, well liked by everyone for his generosity during the 30s. He was a bookie's tic-tac man who travelled all over the country for the various bookmakers who employed him and ended up working for William Hill's. He was an all-round sportsman winning three Kings Medals for excellence at Lollard Street School. Small wonder, Charlie's Mary looked well dressed and proud - I can imagine they would have made a handsome couple indeed.
Issie Kutz's family apparently had a shoe repair shop in Lambeth Walk which remained there for years after the war. The photograph above shows Charlie Rapley on the left and Issie on the right - probably taken at Folkestone before the races in 1937. If anyone recognises any of the others, please get in touch.